Sunday, April 1, 2012

Random Pics ~

And here a mix of Fun, Great moments, Epic moments, Good looking sites, they was taking dust in my game screenshoot folder ^^.. so why don't put them here ~ 

Starting adventure (?).. yes i hate it lol

Final Inca Battle, with Thor in my side :]

Abusing Daviduss x]

Mock Battle with Loki ~

Found the Legendary Gae Bolg with Hawker!

Allied Fun Time before Sea Feud Start.

The Eating Sea in Chile Region <3

Some Spanglish Talk in My quarter ~

Look at my Sword and Die ~

Battle Campaing Classic View.

Excalibur.. finally in my hands ~

Some past Epic Sea Feud Battle fun ~

(o^^)o Have fun!

Interesting Videos

I have found some nice interesting videos about all pirates, high seas, old naval cannons, and some other stuff ~  I loved it :]! what a nice history ~

 Pirate Firearms:

Pirate Cannons:

 Women Pirates:

Life Aboard a Pirate Ship:

Pirate Origins:

Golden Age of Piracy (BlackBeard):

Pirates Navigate The High Seas:

Francis Drake Attacks Spanish Galleon ~ :

Queen Anne's Revenge: